Librarything Giveaway

Message to Librarything winners:

Dear Giveaway Winners,
Recently, I ran a giveaway for my book, Event Horizon. The giveaway began January 17th, 2018 and ran until February 14th, a month, during which time I bought author copies of my own books to place inside their padded envelopes, prepared stickers for the outside of those envelopes to indicate to the recipients what was inside, and I pre-wrote handwritten congratulations to ten people. The only thing missing was the winners' names and addresses. 
I eagerly waited... Then I started to think perhaps I had done something wrong, forgotten to fill in appropriate information, like my email address for Librarything to contact me. No, I found everything was there. I had in fact fulfilled my end of the bargain. 
It is now February 20th today. Tomorrow it will have been a week of nothing, time spent waiting for my winners' information so that I could mail out their books. 
In the meantime, I have emailed everyone on staff who could possibly help me, posted a message on the wall of the main librarian, and all to no avail. I have received not a response, not even a form email asking me for my patience.
So, it is with a heavy heart that I say to those winners who I hope are within range of this blog, I am sorry. If and when Librarything holds up their end of the deal, I will mail out the books. 
It is my sincerest hope that this never happens to another independently published author out there. I also hope that in the future, readers will look to Amazon for my books where I will be holding all of my giveaways from now on. 
This experience has brought me even closer to, the place where I sell all of my books. Kindle Direct now has a new place in my heart, one where dependable things reside, like my husband.
Thank you for taking the time to read this!


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